Home The 8 Best Free Workout Apps

The 8 Best Free Workout Apps

by Austin Cole
1 minutes read

Guess what? You don’t need a pricy gym membership or fancy equipment to get in shape. Your trusty smartphone can be your ticket to getting fit. Ready to dive in? Here’s a fun roundup of the 8 best free workout apps to help you get your sweat on!

1. MyFitnessPalYour Handy Fitness Buddy

We all know and love MyFitnessPal. Beyond its amazing food diary and calorie counter, it packs in some fab workout routines. Whether you’re just starting out or you’re practically a fitness ninja, this app has got your back.

2. Nike Training Club – Sweat it out, Pro Style!

Who wouldn’t want to train like a champ? Nike Training Club is all about routines inspired by professional athletes. Plus, with workouts that vary from a quick 15-minute session to a solid 45 minutes, it’s perfect for fitting into any schedule. And the cherry on top? Many exercises are just bodyweight, so no extra equipment needed!

3. 7 Minute WorkoutFor the Busy Bee

If your calendar’s always full, 7 Minute Workout is here to save the day. It’s all about HICT (high-intensity circuit training) and trust me, in just seven minutes, you’ll feel the burn! All you need is a wall, a chair, and a dash of energy.

4. FitOnStar-studded Sweat Sessions

Fancy working out with some celeb trainers? FitOn brings you routines led by the likes of Gabrielle Union and Julianne Hough. From a sassy Pilates session to a hardcore HIIT, you’re spoilt for choice!

5. JEFITFor Our Lifting Legends

If pumping iron is more your vibe, JEFIT is just the app for you. With tailor-made workout programs and super clear exercise instructions, it’s your virtual lifting coach. Plus, joining the in-app community is like joining a mini motivational party!

6. C25K – 5K TrainerOne Step Closer to 5K

Want to take up running but not sure where to start? C25K has got your back! It can help to take you from chilling on your couch to running a 5K in just 8 weeks. It’s a fun blend of walking and running, and before you know it, you’ll be breezing through that 5K finish line!

7. Yoga for BeginnersFind Your Zen

If you’ve ever been intrigued by yoga but never gave it a go, now’s your chance. Yoga for Beginners is super user-friendly, offering routines for all levels. So whether you’re just starting or looking to perfect that pose, this one’s a winner.

8. Daily Workouts Fitness TrainerThe Daily Dose of Fitness

Love mixing it up? This app throws in exercises targeting all parts of the body. With options from a quick 5-minute routine to a longer 30-minute session, it’s the spice of workout life!


With all these amazing apps at your fingertips, getting started on your fitness journey has never been easier. Download, explore, and find the best fit for you. Your smartphone isn’t just for cute pics and memes—it’s also your new workout bestie! Let’s get moving!

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