Home 8 Reasons You Should Embrace Outdoor Workouts

8 Reasons You Should Embrace Outdoor Workouts

by Austin Cole
6 minutes read
Informative image of a 40 year old female in workout clothes doing stretching exercises in a park.

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Have you considered moving your workout from the confines of a gym to the expansiveness of the outdoors? There’s a growing body of evidence supporting the idea that outdoor exercise can significantly improve both physical and mental health. This tranquil setting not only rejuvenates our senses but also offers a diverse range of benefits over indoor training. Let’s delve into why incorporating outdoor workouts into your fitness regime can be a transformative experience.

Benefits of Exercising Outdoors

Spending time in nature has myriad psychological and physical advantages. Getting your daily dose of exercise outside can maximize those rewards. This section explores some of the research-backed benefits of incorporating outdoor activities into your regular fitness routine. 

From reduced stress and lifted mood to strengthened cardiovascular endurance, moving your workout beyond the walls of a gym provides multifold rewards. Understanding the perks may encourage integrating more al fresco workouts into your schedule throughout the changing seasons.

1. Can Help Reduce Depression and Anxiety

Exercise under the open sky can be a therapeutic escape from the daily grind. A 2000 study by the Encyclopedia of Psychology highlighted that physical activities in natural settings are associated with lowering symptoms of depression and anxiety. Breathing in fresh air, absorbing the serenity around you, and distancing yourself from urban stressors can lead to a tranquil state of mind.

2. Boosts Positive Mood

When we exercise and are in the presence of nature, our bodies seem to release more endorphins, or “feel-good” hormones. Results from experimental studies noted a surge in mood positivity among individuals who exercised outdoors compared to those in indoor settings. This suggests how significant our environment is when it comes to the psychological perks of physical activity.

3. Improves Exercise Adherence

When it’s an enjoyable affair, sticking to an exercise routine becomes less of a chore. Research conducted at the University of Exeter found that people who engage in physical activities in green spaces are more likely to maintain regular exercise habits. The allure of changing landscapes and the refreshing ambiance can spur individuals to look forward to their next workout session.

4. Increases Exercise Enjoyment

What could be more inviting than the feeling of the sun on your face and the breeze in your hair as you exercise? Studies have confirmed the benefits of outdoor training for participants’ sensory experiences. It highlighted that training in natural settings was more enjoyable than in enclosed areas.

5. Exercising Outdoors Benefits Both Your Physical Health and Mental Well-Being 

Immersing yourself in nature while exercising isn’t just beneficial for your body; it can also shape your character. Activities like running, cycling, or even a brisk walk in the park can contribute to a brighter disposition and a more amicable personality. The combination of physical exertion and being amidst nature stimulates neurotransmitter activities that foster positive interpersonal interactions.

6. Boost Your Mood

Regular outdoor workouts are not just an antidote to bad moods but a proactive approach to consistently lifting your spirits. The effect on mood is so significant that therapists are beginning to prescribe “green exercise” as a supplementary treatment for mood disorders. It’s the simple things—sunshine, the rustle of leaves, the choir of birds—that culminate into a recipe for happiness.

7. Outdoor Exercise Can Help Reduce the Risk of Poor Mental Health

The protective shield outdoor exercise offers against mental health challenges is remarkable. Research indicates that even small amounts of time spent exercising outdoors can lead to a lower incidence of psychological distress. The therapeutic qualities of natural environments play a significant role in buffering against the risk of developing mental health issues.

8. Reduce Stress Levels

Part of what makes outdoor exercise so compelling is its stress-reducing power. When you take your activities outside, you’re not just working out your body; you’re allowing your brain to decompress from the pressures of everyday life. 

How to Start an Outdoor Exercise Routine

Informative image of a 25 year old male in workout clothes standing in a sports field getting ready to exercise.

Embarking on an outdoor exercise journey requires some planning and mindfulness. Here are some practical steps you can take to begin:

1. Set a Fitness Goal

Determine what you want to achieve with your outdoor workouts. Is it to enhance your endurance, reduce stress, or simply enjoy the outdoors? Setting clear goals can give your outdoor exercise routine purpose and direction.

2. Choose an Outdoor Exercise Location

Location is key when it comes to outdoor exercise. Select a place that is convenient, safe, and enjoyable. Whether it’s a nearby park or a scenic trail, find a spot that motivates you to be consistent with your workouts.

3. Create an Exercise Schedule

Consistency is the bedrock of any successful fitness routine. Plan a schedule that fits into your lifestyle and commit to it. Whether it’s morning jogs before work or weekend bike rides, having a set schedule helps make exercise a regular part of your life.

4. Build a Training Plan

Just like with any form of exercise, outdoor workouts require a structured approach. Depending on your goals, draft a training plan that gradually increases in intensity. This might include alternating between different types of workouts, incorporating rest days, and setting incremental milestones.

5. Pick up Some Equipment

While one of the perks of outdoor exercise is the minimal amount of equipment needed, certain activities may require a few pieces. From running shoes tailored to the terrain to moisture-wicking clothes or a hydration pack for longer outings, investing in the right gear can enhance your experience and performance.

6. Get a Workout Buddy

Exercise with a friend not only makes it more enjoyable but also keeps you accountable. Social support motivates consistency and effort. Plus, workouts can double as social time, multitasking at its finest.

The Best Workouts to Do Outside

Informative image of a 70 year old male practicing tai chi in his yard.

The diversity of outdoor exercise options means there’s something for everyone. Here are a few workouts that are particularly well-suited to the great outdoors:


Running, the quintessential outdoor workout, offers cardio benefits and the flexibility to vary your route and intensity. A straightforward path through the park or an ambitious trail route can both provide a superb running experience.

Outdoor Yoga

Take your yoga practice to the next level with the elements. Practicing asanas on uneven ground can enhance your balance and strength, while the natural surroundings can deepen the meditative aspects of yoga, providing a serene backdrop to your practice.

Outdoor Hits and Cardio Workouts

High-intensity interval training (HIIT) outdoors adds extra resistance to your bursts of effort, thanks to terrain and weather conditions. Pair that with the variety of cardio exercises you can perform—from sprints to skipping rope—and you have a powerful workout that keeps boredom at bay.

Outdoor Circuits

Designing a circuit workout in an outdoor space gives you the freedom to include bodyweight exercises, like push-ups and lunges, with runs or brisk walks between sets. The changing scenery adds to the stimulation and enjoyment of such a dynamic workout regimen.


It might seem basic, but walking is a highly effective exercise that’s made more enjoyable outdoors. Whether it’s a gentle stroll or a vigorous power walk, this low-impact activity is perfect for all fitness levels and provides ample opportunity to enjoy the beauty of nature.

Final Thoughts

Embracing outdoor workouts is a powerful way to enhance physical and mental well-being. From boosting mood and fitness results to buffering against the onset of mental health issues, the benefits are as vast as the open skies under which you exercise. The key is to start slowly, find activities you enjoy, and make the most of the natural gym available just outside your door.

By considering what makes sense for your personal wellness goals and lifestyle, you can tailor an outdoor exercise routine that not only fits your needs but also exposes you to new experiences, challenges, and perhaps most important of all, joy.

Frequently Asked Questions

What equipment do I need for outdoor workouts? 

The equipment you need depends on the type of workouts you choose. Generally, a good pair of athletic shoes, comfortable clothing suited for the weather, and perhaps a water bottle are sufficient. For specific activities like yoga, a mat might be useful, while specialized gear may be needed for biking or other sports.

How can I stay safe while exercising outdoors?

Safety should always be a priority. Choose well-lit, populated routes and inform someone of your exercise plans. Opt for weather-appropriate attire and stay hydrated. It’s also wise to have some form of identification and a mobile phone with you.

Can outdoor workouts improve mental health?

Yes, numerous studies have indicated that outdoor exercise can have a significant positive impact on mental health, reducing symptoms of anxiety and depression, alleviating stress, and improving overall mood. Being in nature itself can be therapeutic, and combining it with exercise amplifies the benefits.

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