Home Arthritis: Exercises and Therapies for Joint Pain Relief

Arthritis: Exercises and Therapies for Joint Pain Relief

by Hazel Hanks
8 minutes read
Informative image of a 70 year old man grimacing in pain from arthritis in his hand.

Disclaimer: This article is for educational purposes only and is not intended as health or medical advice. Please consult with medical doctors and healthcare experts to determine the best approach for your individual needs.

Arthritis, a common condition causing discomfort and immobility, can significantly impact one’s quality of life. However, engaging in regular exercise may offer substantial relief from joint pain associated with arthritis. Why is movement so beneficial? It enhances circulation, strengthens the muscles surrounding the joints, and promotes flexibility, thereby potentially reducing pain and improving function. 

While some may believe that exercise aggravates joint discomfort, the opposite is often true; inactivity can lead to muscle weakening and stiffer, more painful joints. This article will explore both exercise and non-exercise options that have demonstrated effectiveness in relieving arthritis joint pain and stiffness. We’ll cover low-impact activities, mind-body practices, aquatics, and complementary and alternative therapy choices. 

The goal is to empower you with knowledge and self-care strategies for keeping active despite arthritis flare-ups and bringing welcome relief to aching joints.

Aquatic Exercise

Informative image of a 70 year old man doing aquatic exercises in a pool.

Aquatic exercise is an excellent starting point for individuals grappling with arthritis. The buoyancy of water lessens the load on the joints, offering a safer environment for movement. This reduction in joint stress encourages those with arthritis to engage in exercises that might be too painful if performed on land.

Water Walking

Water walking, in particular, serves as a great introductory exercise for people with arthritis. The resistance of water not only builds muscle strength but also helps maintain or improve balance and stability, which is crucial for preventing falls. A recent study demonstrated that aquatic walking can reduce pain and enhance the quality of life for individuals with knee osteoarthritis.

Water Aerobics

Similarly, water aerobics can elevate endurance and flexibility without the added joint strain inherent in traditional aerobics. Classes often feature a combination of dance and strength training moves, providing a comprehensive workout that can help maintain joint mobility and reduce stiffness and discomfort.

Low-Impact Activities

Informative image of an 70 year old man bending down to launch a bocce ball on a turf.

Low-impact activities can also be beneficial for those with arthritis, allowing for physical fitness advancement without overexerting the joints. These activities result in minimal stress on the joints and can aid in maintaining bone density, improving balance, and reducing the risk of injury—all crucial elements for those managing arthritis.

Bocce Ball

Bocce ball is one such activity that promotes gentle movement. It’s a relaxed yet strategic game that needs precision and control, qualities that can help individuals enhance hand-eye coordination and fine motor skills without placing an undue burden on their joints.


Golf is another therapeutic option, offering both social interaction and physical exercise with a relatively low joint impact. Swinging a golf club reinforces the muscles in the back, abdomen, arms, and legs, potentially leading to an improved range of motion and strength for people with arthritis.


Shuffleboard, alike, encourages gentle movement and can be played at an individual’s own pace. It is a strategic game that requires minimal joint strain, making it a suitable choice for arthritis patients seeking a low-impact social activity.


Cycling, whether stationary or outdoors, is an effective aerobic exercise that supports joint flexibility without the pounding impact found in running. It’s highly advisable for those with arthritis to cycle at a comfortable pace to avoid overwhelming the joints.

Cross-Country Skiing

Cross-country skiing is a vigorous yet low-impact exercise, providing a total body workout that heightens cardiovascular health while minimizing joint stress. It’s particularly useful during the colder months when other exercises may be unappealing or less accessible.

Elliptical Machine

The elliptical machine is a prevalent choice for indoor, low-impact cardiovascular exercise. It simulates the motion of running but without the impact, thus safeguarding the joints while still providing the benefits of a weight-bearing exercise that strengthens both bones and muscles around the joints.

Mind-Body Exercise

Mind-body exercises often integrate physical movement with mental focus and breath control, which can boost physical function and joint health, as well as reduce stress levels that often accompany chronic conditions like arthritis.


Yoga’s gentle stretches and poses, along with its breathing techniques, can enhance flexibility and balance and also serve as a tool for pain management. It can be modified to cater to different physical capabilities, ensuring participants with arthritis can safely engage in the practice.

Tai Chi

Similarly, Tai Chi, an ancient Chinese martial art form, helps improve balance, agility, and strength. Its slow, graceful movements encourage mindfulness and can reduce stress. Research has indicated that Tai Chi can diminish arthritis pain, improve mobility, and boost quality of life.

Complementary Approaches for Arthritis Pain

Informative image of a 70 year old woman having acupuncture at a wellness clinic.

For those seeking additional relief from arthritis pain, complementary approaches can provide a diverse set of options that work in conjunction with conventional treatments. Using these methods can create a multifaceted pain management strategy that caters to the many dimensions of arthritis.


Therapies such as acupuncture and massage offer alternative paths to comfort for arthritis sufferers, concentrating on pain relief and enhanced function through various techniques that have stood the test of time.


Acupuncture, a cornerstone of traditional Chinese medicine, involves inserting thin needles into specific points on the body. It is theorized to rebalance energy flow, and studies suggest it may release naturally occurring chemicals in the body that alleviate pain or induce sleep, thus benefiting those with arthritis.


Massage therapy can be a soothing treatment for arthritis by enhancing circulation, reducing stiffness, and releasing tight muscles around affected joints. Furthermore, the relaxation and stress relief that massage provides may fundamentally alter how one perceives pain, giving a momentary escape from chronic discomfort.

Natural Remedies

Beyond therapies, natural remedies, including herbal supplements and nutritional elements, hold a place in the management of arthritis symptoms and are often used to complement or reduce reliance on pharmaceutical interventions.

Herbal Supplements

Herbal supplements like glucosamine and chondroitin are frequently used in the hopes of rebuilding cartilage or slowing down arthritis’s progress. While evidence of their effectiveness is mixed, some individuals report significant pain relief after using these products.


Turmeric, with its active compound, curcumin, is celebrated for its anti-inflammatory properties. Studies have found that turmeric may help reduce arthritis pain and inflammation, although more research is needed to determine the ideal dosage and method of consumption.

Hot and Cold Therapy

Applying heat can relax muscles and enhance circulation, while cold therapy can reduce swelling and numb the area to dull pain. Alternating between hot and cold packs may offer arthritis patients a simple yet effective tool for managing episodes of acute pain.

Lifestyle Strategies for Arthritis Pain Relief

Informative image of a black american 70 year old woman making a fruit salad in her kitchen

Lifestyle adjustments can greatly influence the daily experience of living with arthritis. Diet and mindset play foundational roles in overall health and can either alleviate or amplify arthritis symptoms.

Healthy Diet

Embracing a healthy diet rich in anti-inflammatory foods such as fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, whole grains, and healthy fats may assist in controlling inflammation throughout the body. Additionally, certain foods might help decrease arthritis symptoms, while others, like those high in sugar and saturated fats, might worsen them.

Weight Management

Maintaining a healthy weight is also crucial; it alleviates pressure on weight-bearing joints and can lessen pain. Even modest weight loss has been linked to significant improvements in arthritis symptoms.

Stress Relief

Stress relief is another key element of managing arthritis. Chronic stress can trigger inflammation and pain. Techniques like mindful meditation, practicing gratitude, or engaging in hobbies can shift attention away from discomfort and foster a more positive emotional state.

Exercise Guidelines for Arthritis

Knowing the right approach to exercise when dealing with arthritis is essential for avoiding injury and maximizing the benefits of physical activity.

Appropriate Exercises

Appropriate exercises for arthritis sufferers typically involve a mix of aerobic, flexibility, strength, and balance activities. Exercises like swimming, walking, and cycling are excellent aerobic options, while yoga and stretching can help with flexibility.

Exercises to Avoid

It’s critical to avoid exercises that put unnecessary strain on the joints, such as high-impact sports or activities that involve repetitive motion, which can potentially exacerbate arthritis symptoms.

Daily Self-Care Routine

A daily routine that prioritizes self-care can significantly enhance the quality of life for those with arthritis. It’s essential to balance activity with adequate rest to prevent overexertion, which could lead to increased pain or injury.

Prioritize Rest

Ensuring sufficient rest between activities is as significant as the activities themselves. Sleep patterns are especially influential, as poor sleep can heighten pain sensitivity, suggesting the importance of aiming for seven to nine hours of quality rest each night.

This comprehensive look at managing arthritis underscores the potential for individuals to improve their condition through a tailored combination of exercise, therapies, and lifestyle changes. By embracing these strategies, those with arthritis can lead fuller and less painful lives.

Final Thoughts

Arthritis, a condition often synonymous with pain and limitation, need not entirely dictate the terms of one’s life. Through a blend of exercises, therapies, and lifestyle modifications, individuals can find meaningful relief and regain a sense of control. 

The key lies in personalization—tailoring activities and treatments to one’s unique circumstances, capacities, and goals. With informed choices and careful management, life with arthritis can still be active, enjoyable, and fulfilling.

It’s about finding that delicate balance between movement and rest, exploring both modern and traditional remedies, and making dietary and lifestyle choices that support overall well-being. Such a holistic approach to arthritis management has the potential to alleviate pain, improve mobility, and enhance quality of life.

Frequently Asked Questions

How often should people with arthritis exercise?

Exercise frequency can vary based on individual fitness levels and arthritis severity, but generally, moderate-intensity aerobic activity for at least 150 minutes per week is recommended. This can be broken into manageable sessions, and it’s crucial to listen to one’s body and adjust as needed.

Can diet make a difference in managing arthritis symptoms

Yes, diet can play a significant role in managing arthritis symptoms. Foods rich in antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties can help reduce inflammation, while a balanced diet aids in maintaining a healthy weight, thereby reducing strain on the joints.

Are natural remedies safe for everyone with arthritis?

While many find natural remedies helpful, it’s important to consult with a healthcare provider before trying them. Some supplements can interact with medications, and not all remedies are suitable for every individual, especially those with certain health conditions or allergies.


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